Nothing MAJOR has happened, so in the grand scheme, it seems like these
past three months between blog posts have just limped along, grains of sand slipping through the hourglass. And then I started looking through photos,
certain that there would be nothing to post, and ended up having to
limit myself to only a few! I seem to have a habit of doing that. Not
being able to see the little things as building blocks to unknown major
things. I think I did it last year too. Not realizing what the year
had held until I wrote the Christmas newsletter.
I opened my day timer to July 27 and started flipping through the
pages. And it hit me - some of these little things have some fairly
major implications if I stop and take the time to consider them.Here's just a quick rundown:
First ever literacy camp held on Boys Road. (photos on Facebook)
Awesome visit with my Mom and my brother and his family. (photos soon to be on Facebook)
Awesome visit with Caitlind. (most of the time too busy laughing hysterically to take photos)
Brooke painted her first 'commissioned' work for the Bolivia mission trip fundraiser. (photo on Facebook)
Brooke started youth group. (I am still not coping well with that one, although Delaena keeps telling me I should just 'deal with it Mom'!)
We got to visit with cousins from my Dad's side of the family that we haven't seen in 20+ years.
We got to participate in Mark and Erika's wedding.
Both Brooke and Delaena have biked 'Mount Sherman' with Dad on his way to work.
We got a visit from Dan and Sandy and Sandy is looking quite healthy and like herself again!
We have resumed homeschooling.
I launched a new blog. From ACOA to Daughter of God
I have a new favorite song. Hold On To Me
Nothing huge. Until I look at the implications: I have adventurous daughters who are growing up without fear. There are connections with my Dad's family that I thought might be forever lost, but as you can see from the picture directly below, there is no doubt that my kids are part of his clan. We will be forever connected to Mark and Erika, we will always be able to say, "We were there at the beginning and we are here now." My experiences in life and the things I have learned through them, might encourage someone else, just when they need it. We may not always get to be geographically close to our dearest friends and family, but when we do get to be together, we can laugh hysterically.
So, what's going on around here?
Nothing much.
Too much to fully understand.
How about you? What's going on with you?
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Galatians 6:9 (NLT)
Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. James 5:7 (NIV)