Saturday, September 17, 2011

Investment Vs. Return

Hi it is Koos here, Aubrey has done all of our blogging since we started this blog and she has done a great job, but just the other day I felt I have to put a entry in so here it goes.

I am going to start this entry with a question for you all.

How many of you have done some sort of investment?

Weather it was something like Brex ( I got into that one and came up short), or some type of investment where you are looking for a return that you can cash in on and feel good about what you put into it at the beginning? Well in today's society we are all looking for that type of investment and we can miss the investments that really pay off in the end. What I am talking about is the investment in each other weather it is some thing small like a word of encouragement or investing time in someone. We all have the ability to make wise investments we just don't always make the correct ones. I am going to tell you about a investment that our family just made and it was well worth it and we know that it will pay off ten fold. We know this great Christian based rehab program that helps people over come their addictions and the program has God in the whole program.
It is called . we have made relationships with the men that attend this program as they are located just outside of Duncan a ways. The men that attend Teen Challenge can range from 18 to 80, what ever you age and what ever your addiction they are welcome there and are being helped by fellow graduates from the program and they have God on their side every step of the way. It is a great ministry and we enjoy being able to build up relationships with the guys that are here at the Vancouver Island site.

Anyway here is our investment, some basic food supplies to make supper and some card games and the Wii and Super Nintendo and vast supply of glow sticks from the dollar store. You ad all of these basic things up and you get a investment that is light years beyond any money investment that we could do. Our family went out to the Teen Challenge property and made supper for the guys, it was simply chilli and caesar salad and bread and mashed potatoes. And to top it all off ice cream sundays. This simple supper was just what the man up stairs ordered. The guys came back from a hard days work of picking weeds at a blue berry farm and sat down and we all enjoyed a meal together. It was great to see them so happy to have some company over supper and they all just kept saying " Thank you for this treat". To us it was just a supper, nothing fancy, just supper but it was what they needed. So we finish supper and help with the dishes, which Delaena was happy to help with as they have a super industrial dish pit with stainless steel counters and a big hose that rinses the dishes off and a dish washer that takes about 30 seconds to wash the dishes. She was in her element and she told me that if we had a dishwasher like this as home she would do dishes for the rest of her life.

Then after supper and dishes we all go the the man cave and set up the video games and some people play and some people watch and some people are playing cards. It was a hour or so of complete fun. Then to finish the whole great night off Mark one of the leaders out at Teen Challenge says " Ok guys lets go outside and start a camp fire and run around in the dark with the glow sticks" well every one goes WILD. we all get ready and get out side and have some more fun for about another 45 min or so. Some people were running in the tree's chasing each other and some were hitting glow balls up in the air and some were sitting by the fire and watching all the fun going on. It was a beautiful night and we all had a great time. Then we all sit by the fire and Mark says " Well we should pray and be thankful for the great night" so we all came together and prayed and it was great to be part of that great way to close off the night.

Well here in one of the great things about investing and not worry about the Return. During the night we here two of the guys say some things that made our investment come true. One guy said some thing alone this " This was a great night and it was great to laugh and hear everyone laugh as we have not had laughter around here in a couple of weeks." Then Aubrey said to one of the guys, " we are probably keeping you guys up late as you worked all day". He replied " I am very happy where I am right now and am enjoying this night, I am very happy with the way it has turned out". Well there was the Return right there. All we had to do was show up and hang out with a bunch of guys and make a simple supper and invest some time with them and they paid us out double of what we put into it. All they did was say a simple thank you and our family was blessed back.
So how may times do we miss times like this?

How many opportunities are we going to have to do some thing like this?

We all have the ability to do this for someone we just have to take the risk of investing our time and love for others and our return will be more than we can imagine.

Are you willing to invest in something?

God is on your side, just make your move........

1 comment:

Flash Backs to Declare His Glory

Psalm 96:3 -  Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does. I don't participate m...